
English for children programme

  • Junior:

    This is an introduction to the language. Children are initially taught the alphabet, as well as basic vocabulary, a stepping-stone for the student’s subsequent language development. By the end of this 2-year course, students will have been exposed to native language input, written and oral, thereby enabling them to develop their reading, listening and speaking skills. Special weight is placed at the phonological system of the language, including the pronunciation of some ‘difficult’ words for a non-native speaker. An introduction to basic grammar, including present and past tenses, is also incorporated in the syllabus. Finally, students are actively encouraged to exploit the knowledge they have gained (e.g. grammar, vocabulary) and further develop their writing skills by developing short stories.
  • Preliminary/Elementary:

    At this point, students will have mastered the basic tenses and developed substantial skills in every aspect of the language. On the basis of these abilities, students are further introduced to sentences with a different type of force (e.g. interrogatives, imperatives), negation, and all the remaining tenses. There is also much emphasis in speaking, writing, reading and listening, via specialised exercises for each skill. At the end of each academic year of this 2-year course, students are assessed by internationally recognised exams.
  • (Pre)Intermediate:

    Building on prior knowledge, these levels are designed to further develop the student’s ability in the four basic skills. Students are exposed to a relatively more advanced written and oral input, characterised by more abstract vocabulary and complex syntax, whilst also producing linguistic output, spoken and written. Special weight is given to the development of essay writing skills, with a particular focus on how to write an argumentative vs a descriptive essay. At the end of each academic year of this 2-year course, students are assessed by internationally recognised exams.
  • First Certificate :

    In this one-year course students are exposed to increasingly more advanced materials. They will come across writing, speaking and listening exercises as well as literature at the highest level, aimed at equipping them with the knowledge and skills for carrying out any task in the language. Topics of discussion include global warming, smoking, drugs, depression and universal values. Exposure to these areas of discussion enables students to develop some necessary critical awareness and understanding. At the end of the academic year, students are assessed by internationally recognised exams.
  • IGCSE:

    This one-year programme is designed to prepare students for the internationally recognised exam of IGCSE (Edexcel or Cambridge). The acquisition of this diploma is suitable for successful entry to British and American universities as well as employment. Throughout the course, students are guided towards perfecting all four skills of the language via intense training and frequent mock tests under exam-like conditions.

University entrance diplomas/exams


This is an internationally recognised diploma required by British and other universities for entrance at any level (i.e. undergraduate or postgraduate) to demonstrate good knowledge of the language. This four-month course is designed to provide the necessary training to sit the exam. Since students vary in their strengths when starting the course, we further provide individual guidance and support, if needed. New courses begin every two to three months, throughout the year.

Greek / Cypriot University Entrance Exams:

This eight-month course begins every October and is aimed at providing the necessary background and training for the Pancyprian exam in English. Given the exam’s format, we place special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary building, reading comprehension and essay writing.


English for adults

1Level 1:
This specifically designed course for adults usually lasts one year. It is the first step (out of three) of an intensive program aiming to equip the student with a very good level of knowledge of the language. Students are introduced to the entire set of rules characterising the English grammar. Apart from the writing and reading component of the programme, particular attention is given to listening and speaking skills.
2Level 2:
This is a continuation of level 1. It usually lasts one year, and its primary aim is to enable the student to build on prior knowledge and suitably utilise it towards writing longer essays and understanding authentic English texts. Special emphasis is placed on speaking, too, where the student gradually becomes more comfortable in developing conversation.
3Level 3:
This is the last level of the English for Adults prpgramme, which lasts one year. By the end of the course/programme students will master the language in terms of:

a) Knowing the grammatical structure of the English language.
b) Being able to communicate in spoken interaction fluently, across any context of everyday life.
c) Being able to produce a long piece of writing (essay, article, letter, etc).
d) Being able to read and comprehend a wide variety of English texts, including English literature at the most advanced level.

Depending on the student’s needs, there can be preparation for sitting an internationally recognised exam (e.g. IELTS or IGCSE).